
Drafting project applications for EU funds open tenders

izrada projektnih prijava natjecaje EU fondova

Quality preparation for project or investment and a good project strategy is a guarantee for the successful acquisition of public funds and it is necessary for much easier and smoother implementation and exploitation of the total funds that you have contracted! We can perform following services:

  • Organization of informative meetings regarding EU and other funds possibilities
  • Testing the possibility of applying for a particular tender and drafting a score simulation according to the tender’s evaluation criteria
  • Design and project idea development according to the wishes and needs of the client
  • Setting up a project strategy in accordance with the core strategic documents, priorities and tender’s evaluation criteria
  • Drafting total project proposal and filling out all relevant forms
  • Drafting the project budget with budgetary item review
  • Drafting a project logical matrix
  • Revision, review and improvement of the existing project proposals (if you have prepared the project yourself and you need an expert advice and revision)
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